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Congratulations on Jing Yan, Fu-Li Zhang and Yi-Ke Wang passing the graduation examination

date: 2024-05-31 21:04:19      hits:

On May 31, 2024, professor Guo-Jun Zhang from HuBei University of Chinese Medicine, professor Zhi-Hong Liu from Hubei University, professor Cheng-Zhou Zhu from Central China Normal Universityprofessor Xin Liu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and three professors of the school of chemistry and molecular science, Wuhan University, who are professor Jing Yao, professor Zhi-Ling Zhang, and professor Li-Ming Xiang attended the doctoral graduate dissertation of Jing Yan, Fu-Li Zhang and Yi-Ke Wang. 

In the process of graduation oral examination, they presented their work and achievement in detail. Finally, all of them passed the graduation examination successfully. Congratulations to them!